Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Desktop Fan

St. Peter is Lord Jesus’s secretary. On his office wall hung countless number of clocks.

While waiting to have his account checked on Peter’s database, a Thai newcomer to Heaven can’t help asking the saint, “What are those clocks for, Sir?”

“Each of those clocks is designated to a person. It clicks every time its owner lies,” Peter explains.

“The hands of the one assigned to Mother Theresa are still at 12. Why?”

“Because she never lied.”

“Really? Look, the long hand of Abraham Lincoln's clock moved to 2 minutes.”

“President Lincoln lied twice in his lifetime.”

“Oh, may I see the one assigned to PM Thaksin??”

“It’s not here,” Peter answers, “The Lord Jesus took it into His office.”

“How come?”

“Its hands move very fast. The Lord is using the clock as His desktop fan.”


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